This guide will describe how to create an account on HANA Trial website, install a working development environment and setup a minimal landscape to getting started smoothly.
Create an account on this website : []( and choose Neo Trial to create an HANA 1 trial tenant.
Even if theoricaly it's possible to only use the Worbench editor, I highly suggest to install HANA Studio as it's clearly more reliable for modeling with Calculation views, ...
### 1.2.1. HANA Studio
#### Download & Installation
You will need 2 files from SAP Download center (you must be logged on SAP website) :
- SAPCAR (SAR archive utility) to extract HANA Studio : [](
- HANA Studio : [](
You can repeat the same steps for the `SYSTEM` user, which is the only current user to have enough permissions to setup the initial landscape.
### 1.2.2. Workbench editor
HANA Studio is now installed, configured and connected, but we will also need the Workbench editor for many features, artifacts, and so on that are not supported in HANA Studio.
To access the Workbench editor, go back to the `Databases & Schemas area`
Like for any platform, we need to setup an initial landscape about roles and permissions (admin, dev, user, ...).
### 1.3.1. HANA Lifecyle Management
You need to access the HANA Lifecyle Management to install the initial roles landscape delivery unit.
In HANA Studio, with the user `SYSTEM`, go to the security area and give the role `sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator` to your SHINE User newly created.
Click on Import and import the Delivery Unit : `MYHANA_ROLES_Francois-B-Makoto.tgz` available here : [MYHANA_ROLES_Francois-B-Makoto.tgz](download/MYHANA_ROLES_Francois-B-Makoto.tgz)
The roles are now activated in HANA, so you can add the newly imported Admin Role `MyHANA.00Security.MyHANA_roles.roles.admin::MyHANA_roles_admin` to your SHINE User.
To proceed, go to HANA Studio with the `SYSTEM` user in the security area