# HANA 1 Tutorials ![HANATutorials](hana_tutorials_logo_small.png) ## Table of contents - [Getting started](TUTO_01.md) - create SCP Trial Account - setup your development environment - setup the initial landscape - [Let's start the development](TUTO_02.md) - create a package structure - create a schema - create/assign package/schema related roles - [SHINE Introduction](TUTO_03.md) - [External tutorials/documentation](REFERENCES.md) ## Remarks - Delivery Units are provided in every guide. However, about roles and permissions, I **highly recommand** to read and check every roles **BEFORE** to use them in a production system !! ## Credits - Author : Francois B. (Makoto) - Licence : [CC-BY-SA](LICENCE.md) [![cc-by-sa](https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png)](LICENCE.md)