# SAP Cloud Connector Docker Image Dockerfile to build a SAP Cloud Connector (SAPCC) Docker image. The goal of this image is to deploy in seconds a fully working SAP Cloud Connector. ## This image is built with - CentOS - SAP JVM - SAP Cloud Connector ## Release notes - v7 - SAP JVM 8.1.091 - SAP Cloud Connector 2.15.0 - v6 - SAP JVM 8.1.090 - SAP Cloud Connector 2.14.2 - v5 - SAP JVM 8.1.083 - SAP Cloud Connector - Cloud Connector configuration is saved in Docker volumes (/opt/sap/scc/config & /opt/sap/scc/scc_config) - v4 - SAP JVM 8.1.078 - v3 - SAP Cloud Connector 2.13.2 - v2 - SAP Cloud Connector 2.13.1 - SAP JVM 8.1.075 - CentOS 7 ## Pre-Built Docker Image You can use a pre-built Docker Image available on Docker Hub with the Docker Compose example below. Docker Hub : https://hub.docker.com/r/makoto2600/sapcc ```yaml --- version: '2.1' services: sapcc: image: makoto2600/sapcc:latest container_name: sapcc volumes: - sapcc_config:/opt/sap/scc/config - sapcc_scc_config:/opt/sap/scc/scc_config network_mode: host restart: unless-stopped volumes: sapcc_config: sapcc_scc_config: ```