{ Author : Francois B. (Makoto) Licence : GPLv3 } program matrix; uses crt; var i,j : integer; str,schema : string; begin { init } ClrScr; Randomize; TextMode(2); TextColor(2); schema := 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ&|@#§½!{}[]-()=~,;/?<>\*+0123456789%£'; window(1,1,ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight); { top border } GotoXY(1,1); write('+'); for i := 2 to ScreenWidth-1 do begin GotoXY(i,1); write('-'); end; GotoXY(ScreenWidth,1); write('+'); { bottom border } GotoXY(1,ScreenHeight-1); write('+'); for i := 2 to ScreenWidth-1 do begin GotoXY(i,ScreenHeight-1); write('-'); end; GotoXY(ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight-1); write('+'); { bottom text} TextColor(10); GotoXY(5,ScreenHeight-1); write('[ Oldies just for fun ^^ - Makoto ]'); { left border } for i := 2 to ScreenHeight-2 do begin GotoXY(1,i); write('|'); end; { right border } for i := 2 to ScreenHeight-2 do begin GotoXY(ScreenWidth,i); write('|'); end; { main frame } window(3,3,ScreenWidth-2,ScreenHeight-3); { main loop } j := 0; repeat i := random(2); if i = 0 then TextColor(2) else TextColor(10); str := schema[random(length(schema))+1]; write(str); j := j+1; if (j < ScreenWidth*ScreenHeight) then delay(0) else delay(1); until keypressed; { revert back to normal window size } window(1,1,ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight); ClrScr; end.