#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Yggdrasil NG # # compatibility : see documentation or man pages # # author : Francois B. (Makotosan/Shakasan) # # licence : GPLv3 # # website : https://makotonoblog.be/ # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # # Ubuntu 18.04 / Linux Mint 19 # # # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # menus functions # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # show about dialog box # function showAboutBoxMenu () { whiptail \ --title "About" \ --msgbox "\n Author : Francois B. (Makotosan) Email : shakasan@sirenacorp.be Website : https://makotonoblog.be/ Github : https://github.com/shakasan/yggdrasil_ng Licence : GPLv3 Version : $version\n At the beginning, this script has been written to makes my life easier when I have to (re)install my personal computers ;-) Advices and remarks are welcome ^^" \ 20 80 } # # show reboot menu # function showRebootBoxMenu () { if (whiptail \ --title "Yggdrasil $version - WARNING - ReBoot" \ --yesno "Are you sure to reboot this computer ?" \ 7 42) then sudo reboot fi } # # show menu to config system # function showConfigMenu () { while true; do configMenuOptions=$(whiptail \ --title "Yggdrasil $version - System Config" \ --menu "System Config" \ 25 80 16 \ "Ufw" "Enable Firewall (ufw)" \ "NumLockX" "NumLock Enabled at boot time" \ "TmpRAM" "/tmp stored in RAM" \ "screenfetch" "screenfetch added to .bashrc" \ "historyTS" "TimeStamp enabled in Shell History" \ "unattendedUpgrades" "Enable automatic security updates" \ "Unbound" "Enable Unbound DNS Cache server" \ "Back" "Back" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) case $configMenuOptions in "Ufw") clear enableUFW pressKey ;; "NumLockX") clear enableNumLockX pressKey ;; "TmpRAM") clear enableTmpRAM pressKey ;; "screenfetch") clear addScreenfetchBashrc pressKey ;; "historyTS") clear enableHistoryTS pressKey ;; "unattendedUpgrades") clear installUnattendedUpgrades pressKey ;; "Unbound") clear installAppsFromList unbound pressKey ;; "Back") break ;; esac done } # # show menu to install system tools # function showSysToolsMenu () { while true; do sysToolsMenuOptions=$(whiptail \ --title "Yggdrasil $version - System Tools" \ --menu "System tools to diagnose and optimize" \ 25 80 16 \ "inxi" "System informations" \ "speedtest-cli" "Bandwidth test" \ "packetloss" "Packetloss test (ping)" \ "Autoremove" "Remove useless Deb packages" \ "SoundCardsDetection" "Sound Cards Detection" \ "Back" "Back" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) case $sysToolsMenuOptions in "inxi") clear; toolInxi; pressKey ;; "speedtest-cli") clear; toolSpeedtestCli; pressKey ;; "packetloss") clear; toolPacketLoss; pressKey ;; "Autoremove") clear; toolAutoremove; pressKey ;; "SoundCardsDetection") clear; toolSoundCardsDetection; pressKey ;; "Back") break ;; esac done } # # show menu to install themes/icons # function showThemesInstallMenu () { while true; do themesInstallMenuOptions=$(whiptail \ --title "Yggdrasil $version - Themes/Icons Install" \ --menu "Install themes/icons from different submenus" \ 25 80 16 \ "themes" "GTK themes" \ "icons" "Icons" \ "Back" "Back" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) case $themesInstallMenuOptions in "themes") installAppsFromListMenu gtkthemes ;; "icons") installAppsFromListMenu icons ;; "Back") break ;; esac done } # # show menu to install dev apps # function showDevInstallMenu () { while true; do devInstallMenuOptions=$(whiptail \ --title "Yggdrasil $version - Dev Install" \ --menu "Install Dev apps from different submenus" \ 25 80 16 \ "devbase" "dev apps and tools" \ "java11" "OpenJDK Java 11 dev env" \ "javascript" "JavaScript dev env" \ "mongodbce" "MongoDB CE" \ "php" "PHP dev env" \ "lua" "Lua dev env" \ "ruby" "Ruby dev env" \ "qt" "QT dev env" \ "python" "Python dev env" \ "atom" "Atom" \ "anjuta" "Anjuta" \ "brackets" "Brackets" \ "codeblocks" "CodeBlocks" \ "geany" "Geany" \ "idea" "Idea" \ "eclipse" "Eclipse" \ "pycharmprofessional" "PyCharm Professional edition" \ "pycharmcommunity" "PyCharm Community edition" \ "vsc" "Visual Studio Code" \ "androidstudio" "Android Studio" \ "sublimetext" "Sublime Text" \ "cad" "CAD tools" \ "teamviewer13" "Teamviewer 13" \ "boostnotes" "Boostnotes Markdown wiki app" \ "compass" "MongoDB Compass GUI" \ "gitkraken" "Gitkraken git gui" \ "vagrant" "Vagrant" \ "Back" "Back" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) case $devInstallMenuOptions in "devbase") installAppsFromListMenu dev ;; "java11") installAppsFromListMenu java11 ;; "javascript") installAppsFromListMenu javascript ;; "mongodbce") installAppsFromListMenu mongodb ;; "php") installAppsFromListMenu php ;; "lua") installAppsFromListMenu lua ;; "ruby") installAppsFromListMenu ruby ;; "qt") installAppsFromListMenu qt ;; "python") installAppsFromListMenu python ;; "atom") installAppsFromListMenu atom ;; "anjuta") installAppsFromListMenu anjuta ;; "brackets") installAppsFromListMenu brackets ;; "codeblocks") installAppsFromListMenu codeblocks ;; "geany") installAppsFromListMenu geany ;; "idea") installAppsFromListMenu idea ;; "eclipse") installAppsFromListMenu eclipse ;; "pycharmprofessional") installAppsFromListMenu pycharm-professional ;; "pycharmcommunity") installAppsFromListMenu pycharm-community ;; "vsc") installAppsFromListMenu code ;; "androidstudio") installAppsFromListMenu androidstudio ;; "sublimetext") installAppsFromListMenu sublime-text ;; "cad") installAppsFromListMenu cad ;; "teamviewer13") installTeamViewer13Menu ;; "boostnotes") installBoostnotesMenu ;; "compass") installCompassMenu ;; "gitkraken") installAppsFromListMenu gitkraken ;; "vagrant") installVagrantMenu ;; "Back") break ;; esac done } # # show menu to install apps from different categories # function showAppInstallMenu () { while true; do appsInstallMenuOptions=$(whiptail \ --title "Yggdrasil $version - Apps Install" \ --menu "Install apps from different submenus" \ 25 80 16 \ "base" "Base Apps" \ "office" "Office Apps" \ "multimedia" "Multimedia Apps" \ "ebook" "eBook Apps" \ "internet" "Internet Apps" \ "utilities" "Misc Utilities" \ "games" "Games & tools" \ "steam" "Steam" \ "burningtools" "Disc Burning and tools" \ "nettools" "Network tools" \ "cajaplugins" "Caja Plugins" \ "nautilus" "Nautilus and plugins" \ "thunar" "Thunar file manager" \ "gimp" "Gimp plugins" \ "rhythmbox" "RhythmBox plugins" \ "pidgin" "Pidgin plugins" \ "nitrogen" "Nitrogen WP Manager" \ "wine" "Wine Builds" \ "snap" "Unlock/Install SNAP + Store" \ "viber" "Viber IM desktop app" \ "slack" "Slack App" \ "appimagelauncher" "AppImage Launcher" \ "xnviewmp" "XNView MP" \ "Back" "Back" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) case $appsInstallMenuOptions in "base") installAppsFromListMenu base ;; "office") installAppsFromListMenu office ;; "multimedia") installAppsFromListMenu multimedia ;; "ebook") installAppsFromListMenu ebook ;; "internet") installAppsFromListMenu internet ;; "utilities") installAppsFromListMenu utilities ;; "games") installAppsFromListMenu games ;; "steam") installAppsFromListMenu steam ;; "burningtools") installAppsFromListMenu burningtools ;; "nettools") installAppsFromListMenu nettools ;; "cajaplugins") installAppsFromListMenu cajaplugins ;; "nautilus") installAppsFromList nautilus ;; "thunar") installAppsFromListMenu thunar ;; "gimp") installAppsFromListMenu gimp ;; "rhythmbox") installAppsFromListMenu rhythmbox ;; "pidgin") installAppsFromListMenu pidgin ;; "nitrogen") installAppsFromListMenu nitrogen ;; "wine") installAppsFromListMenu wine ;; "snap") installAppsFromListMenu snap ;; "viber") installViberMenu ;; "slack") installSlackMenu ;; "appimagelauncher") installAppImageLauncherMenu ;; "xnviewmp") installXnViewMPMenu ;; "Back") break ;; esac done } # # show menu about install/config hardware # function showHardwareMenu () { while true; do hardwareMenuOptions=$(whiptail \ --title "Yggdrasil $version - System Tools" \ --menu "System tools to diagnose and optimize" \ 25 80 16 \ "HWE" "Ubuntu Hardware Enablement Stack (newer kernel+xorg)" \ "cardreader" "Apps/tools needed for cardreaders" \ "solaar" "Solaar for Logitech Unifying devices" \ "webcam" "Install webcam neede apps" \ "microcode" "Update Intel/AMD CPU microcode" \ "tlp" "Install/Enable TLP for better power management " \ "keyid" "Add udev rules for Key-ID FIDO U2F usb key" \ "WI6320" "Fix Intel Wireless 6320 card config problem" \ "Back" "Back" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) case $hardwareMenuOptions in "HWE") installAppsFromListMenu hwe ;; "cardreader") installAppsFromListMenu cardreader ;; "solaar") installAppsFromListMenu solaar ;; "webcam") installAppsFromListMenu webcam ;; "microcode") updateMicrocode pressKey ;; "tlp") installAppsFromListMenu tlp ;; "keyid") installKeyIDuDev pressKey ;; "WI6320") fixWirelessIntel6320 pressKey ;; "Back") break ;; esac done }