#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Yggdrasil NG # # compatibility : see documentation or man pages # # author : Francois B. (Makotosan/Shakasan) # # licence : GPLv3 # # website : https://makotonoblog.be/ # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # install functions # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # install Base Apps (headless) # function installBase () { installAppsFromList base } # # install Base Apps (Menu) # function installBaseMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu base } # # install Office Apps (headless) # function installOffice () { installAppsFromList office } # # install Office Apps (Menu) # function installOfficeMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu office } # # install Multimedia Apps (headless) # function installMultimedia () { installAppsFromList multimedia } # # install Multimedia Apps (Menu) # function installMultimediaMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu multimedia } # # install eBook Apps (headless) # function installEbook () { installAppsFromList ebook } # # install eBook Apps (Menu) # function installEbookMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu ebook } # # install Internet Apps (headless) # function installInternet () { installAppsFromList internet } # # install Internet Apps (Menu) # function installInternetMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu internet } # # Viber (headless) # function installViber () { installPackageDpkg http://download.cdn.viber.com/cdn/desktop/Linux/viber.deb \ viber.deb \ no } # # Viber (Menu) # function installViberMenu () { installPackageDpkg http://download.cdn.viber.com/cdn/desktop/Linux/viber.deb \ viber.deb \ yes } # # Franz (headless) # function installFranz () { installPackageDpkg https://github.com/meetfranz/franz/releases/download/v5.0.0-beta.18/franz_5.0.0-beta.18_amd64.deb \ franz.deb \ no } # # Franz (Menu) # function installFranzMenu () { installPackageDpkg https://github.com/meetfranz/franz/releases/download/v5.0.0-beta.18/franz_5.0.0-beta.18_amd64.deb \ franz.deb \ yes } # # Boostnotes (headless) # function installBoostnotes () { installPackageDpkg https://github.com/BoostIO/boost-releases/releases/download/v0.11.4/boostnote_0.11.4_amd64.deb \ boostnotes.deb \ no } # # Boostnotes (Menu) # function installBoostnotesMenu () { installPackageDpkg https://github.com/BoostIO/boost-releases/releases/download/v0.11.4/boostnote_0.11.4_amd64.deb \ boostnotes.deb \ yes } # # install Misc Utilities Apps (headless) # function installMiscUtilities () { installAppsFromList utilities } # # install Misc Utilities Apps (Menu) # function installMiscUtilitiesMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu utilities } # # install Wine Build (headless) # function installWine () { installAppsFromList wine } # # install Wine Build (Menu) # function installWineMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu wine } # # install Game Apps (headless) # function installGames () { installAppsFromList games } # # install Game Apps (Menu) # function installGamesMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu games } # # Steam (headless) # function installSteam () { installAppsFromList steam } # # Steam (Menu) # function installSteamMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu steam } # # install Burning Apps (headless) # function installBurningTools () { installAppsFromList burningtools } # # install Burning Apps (Menu) # function installBurningToolsMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu burningtools } # # install Network Apps (headless) # function installNetTools () { installAppsFromList nettools } # # install Network Apps (Menu) # function installNetToolsMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu nettools } # # install Caja Plugins (headless) # function installCajaPlugins () { installAppsFromList cajaplugins } # # install Caja Plugins (Menu) # function installCajaPluginsMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu cajaplugins } # # install Nautilus Apps + plugins (headless) # function installNautilusAndPlugins () { installAppsFromList nautilus } # # install Nautilus Apps + plugins (Menu) # function installNautilusAndPluginsMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu nautilus } # # install Thunar + Plugins (headless) # function installThunar () { installAppsFromList thunar } # # install Thunar + Plugins (Menu) # function installThunarMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu thunar } # # install Gimp plugins (headless) # function installGimpPlugins () { installAppsFromList gimp } # # install Gimp plugins (Menu) # function installGimpPluginsMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu gimp } # # install RhythmBox plugins (headless) # function installRhythmBoxPlugins () { installAppsFromList rhythmbox } # # install RhythmBox plugins (Menu) # function installRhythmBoxPluginsMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu rhythmbox } # # install Pidgin plugins (headless) # function installPidginPlugins () { installAppsFromList pidgin } # # install Pidgin plugins (Menu) # function installPidginPluginsMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu pidgin } # # install Nitrogen app (headless) # function installNitrogen () { installAppsFromList nitrogen } # # install Nitrogen app (Menu) # function installNitrogenMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu nitrogen } # # install Beta Apps (headless) # function installBeta () { installAppsFromList beta } # # install Beta Apps (Menu) # function installBetaMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu beta } # # install Nightly Apps (headless) # function installNightly () { installAppsFromList nightly } # # install Nightly Apps (Menu) # function installNightlyMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu nightly } # # install GTK Themes (headless) # function installThemes () { installAppsFromList gtkthemes } # # install GTK Themes (Menu) # function installThemesMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu gtkthemes } # # install Icon Themes (headless) # function installIcons () { installAppsFromList icons } # # install Icon Themes (Menu) # function installIconsMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu icons } # # install Solaar App (headless) # function installSolaar () { installAppsFromList solaar } # # install Solaar App (Menu) # function installSolaarMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu solaar } # # install CardReader Apps (headless) # function installCardReader () { installAppsFromList cardreader } # # install CardReader Apps (Menu) # function installCardReaderMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu cardreader } # # update AMD/Intel CPU Microcode # function updateMicrocode () { msg "CPU Microcode updating" oldMicrocode=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i --color microcode -m 1 | awk -F': ' '{print $2}'` intel=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i Intel | wc -l` amd=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i Amd | wc -l` if [ "$intel" -gt "0" ]; then installPackage apt intel-microcode newMicrocode=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i --color microcode -m 1 | awk -F': ' '{print $2}'` printf "[INFO] Microcode updated from "$oldMicrocode" version to "$newMicrocode" version" elif [ "$amd" -gt "0" ]; then installPackage apt amd64-microcode newMicrocode=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i --color microcode -m 1 | awk -F': ' '{print $2}'` printf "[INFO] Microcode updated from "$oldMicrocode" version to "$newMicrocode" version" else printf "[INFO] No Intel/AMD CPU found" fi printf "\n" } # # fix some config issue with Intel Wireless 6320 cards # function fixWirelessIntel6320 () { runCmd "sudo cp /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf.bak" \ "backing up config file" runCmd "echo options iwlwifi bt_coex_active=0 swcrypto=1 11n_disable=8 | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf" \ "applying new config" printf "[INFO] reboot required !!!" printf "\n" } # # install Webcam Apps (headless) # function installWebcam () { installAppsFromList webcam } # # install Webcam Apps (Menu) # function installWebcamMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu webcam } # # install latest versions of graphic drivers, mesa, .... (headless) # function installOibaf () { addRepo_Oibaf } # # install latest versions of graphic drivers, mesa, .... (Menu) # function installOibafMenu () { addRepo_Oibaf } # # install Nvidia Drivers (headless) # function installNvidia370 () { installAppsFromList nvidia-370 } # # install Nvidia Drivers (Menu) # function installNvidia370Menu () { installAppsFromListMenu nvidia-370 } # # install Nvidia Drivers (headless) # function installNvidia375 () { installAppsFromList nvidia-375 } # # install Nvidia Drivers (Menu) # function installNvidia375Menu () { installAppsFromListMenu nvidia-375 } # # install Nvidia Drivers (headless) # function installNvidia378 () { installAppsFromList nvidia-378 } # # install Nvidia Drivers (Menu) # function installNvidia378Menu () { installAppsFromListMenu nvidia-378 } # # install Nvidia Drivers (headless) # function installNvidia381 () { installAppsFromList nvidia-381 } # # install Nvidia Drivers (Menu) # function installNvidia381Menu () { installAppsFromListMenu nvidia-381 } # # install Nvidia Drivers (headless) # function installNvidia384 () { installAppsFromList nvidia-384 } # # install Nvidia Drivers (Menu) # function installNvidia384Menu () { installAppsFromListMenu nvidia-384 } # # install Nvidia Drivers (headless) # function installNvidia387 () { installAppsFromList nvidia-387 } # # install Nvidia Drivers (Menu) # function installNvidia387Menu () { installAppsFromListMenu nvidia-387 } # # install Nvidia Drivers (headless) # function installNvidia390 () { installAppsFromList nvidia-390 } # # install Nvidia Drivers (Menu) # function installNvidia390Menu () { installAppsFromListMenu nvidia-390 } # # install Nvidia Drivers (headless) # function installNvidia396 () { installAppsFromList nvidia-396 } # # install Nvidia Drivers (Menu) # function installNvidia396Menu () { installAppsFromListMenu nvidia-396 } # # install TLP App (headless) # function installTLP () { installAppsFromList tlp } # # install TLP App (Menu) # function installTLPMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu tlp } # # Key-ID USB Fido U2F device udev rules # function installKeyIDuDev () { printf "[CMD] Adding Key-ID device UDEV rules " cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/70-u2f.rules # this udev file should be used with udev 188 and newer\n\ ACTION!="add|change", GOTO="u2f_end" # Key-ID FIDO U2F KERNEL=="hidraw*", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ATTRS{idVendor}=="096e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0850|0880", TAG+="uaccess" LABEL="u2f_end" EOF ret_code=$? retCode $ret_code runCmd "sudo service udev restart" \ "restarting UDEV service" } # # install Dev Apps (headless) # function installDevApps () { installAppsFromList dev } # # install Dev Apps (Menu) # function installDevAppsMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu dev } # # install Javascript env (headless) # function installJavascript () { installAppsFromList javascript } # # install Javascript env (Menu) # function installJavascriptMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu javascript } # # install JAVA 10 (headless) # function installJava10 () { installAppsFromList java10 } # # install JAVA 10 (Menu) # function installJava10Menu () { installAppsFromListMenu java10 } # # install Mongo DB 3 CE (headless) # function installMongo3CE () { installAppsFromList mongodb } # # install Mongo DB 3 CE (Menu) # function installMongo3CEMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu mongodb } # # install Python Apps (headless) # function installPython () { installAppsFromList python } # # install Python Apps (Menu) # function installPythonMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu python } # # install PHP Apps (headless) # function installPHP () { installAppsFromList php } # # install PHP Apps (Menu) # function installPHPMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu php } # # install QT Apps/tools (headless) # function installQT () { installAppsFromList qt } # # install QT Apps/tools (Menu) # function installQTMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu qt } # # install LUA Apps (headless) # function installLUA () { installAppsFromList lua } # # install LUA Apps (Menu) # function installLUAMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu lua } # # install Ruby Apps (headless) # function installRuby () { installAppsFromList ruby } # # install Ruby Apps (Menu) # function installRubyMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu ruby } #TODO: function installAndroidEnv () { msg="Installing Android environment" runCmd "touch /home/$myHomedir/.bashrc" \ "creating .bashrc file if necessary" sh -c "echo '\n\nexport PATH=${PATH}:/home/'$myHomedir'/Android/Sdk/tools:/home/'$myHomedir'/Android/Sdk/platform-tools' >> /home/$myHomedir/.bashrc" } # # install Atom App (headless) # function installAtom () { installAppsFromList atom } # # install Atom App (menu) # function installAtomMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu atom } # # install Anjuta Apps (headless) # function installAnjuta () { installAppsFromList anjuta } # # install Anjuta Apps (Menu) # function installAnjutaMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu anjuta } # # install Brackets Apps (headless) # function installBrackets () { installAppsFromList brackets } # # install Brackets Apps (Menu) # function installBracketsMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu brackets } # # install CodeBlocks Apps (headless) # function installCodeBlocks () { installAppsFromList codeblocks } # # install CodeBlocks Apps (Menu) # function installCodeBlocksMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu codeblocks } # # install Geany Apps (headless) # function installGeany () { installAppsFromList geany } # # install Geany Apps (Menu) # function installGeanyMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu geany } # # install IDEA Apps (headless) # function installIdea () { installAppsFromList idea } # # install IDEA Apps (Menu) # function installIdeaMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu idea } # # install Eclipse Apps (headless) # function installEclipse () { installAppsFromList eclipse } # # install Eclipse Apps (Menu) # function installEclipseMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu eclipse } # # install Pycharm Apps (headless) # function installPyCharm () { installAppsFromList pycharm } # # install Pycharm Apps (Menu) # function installPyCharmMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu pycharm } # # install Visual Studio Code Apps (headless) # function installVisualStudioCode () { installAppsFromList code } # # install Visual Studio Code Apps (Menu) # function installVisualStudioCodeMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu code } # # install Android-Studio Apps (headless) # function installAndroidStudio () { installAppsFromList androidstudio } # # install Android-Studio Apps (Menu) # function installAndroidStudioMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu androidstudio } # # install SublimeText Apps (headless) # function installSublimeText() { installAppsFromList sublime-text } # # install SublimeText Apps (Menu) # function installSublimeTextMenu() { installAppsFromListMenu sublime-text } # # install CAD Apps (headless) # function installCAD () { installAppsFromList cad } # # install CAD Apps (Menu) # function installCADMenu () { installAppsFromListMenu cad } # # install Teamviewer 13 (headless) # function installTeamViewer13 () { installPackageDpkg https://download.teamviewer.com/download/linux/teamviewer_amd64.deb \ teamviewer13.deb \ no } # # install Teamviewer 13 (Menu) # function installTeamViewer13Menu () { installPackageDpkg https://download.teamviewer.com/download/linux/teamviewer_amd64.deb \ teamviewer13.deb \ yes } # # install/enable Unboud (headless) # function installUnbound () { installAppsFromList unbound }