2018-03-30 19:02:06 +02:00

145 lines
4.2 KiB

# Yggdrasil NG #
# compatibility : Mint 18, Ubuntu 16.04, Elementary and other derivatives #
# author : Francois B. (Makotosan/Shakasan) #
# licence : GPLv3 #
# website : https://makotonoblog.be/ #
# tools and config functions #
# enable ufw at boot time and add rules for installed apps
function enableUFW () {
runCmd "sudo ufw enable"\
"enabling UFW at boot"
if which syncthing >/dev/null; then
runCmd "sudo ufw allow syncthing" \
"adding UFW rules for Syncthing"
# enable numlock by default on LightDM
function enableNumLockX () {
checkAndInstallDep apt numlockx numlockx
if which lightdm >/dev/null; then
runCmd "sudo cp /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/70-linuxmint.conf /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/70-linuxmint.conf.yggbak" \
"backing up lightdm original config file"
runCmd "echo -e '\ngreeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/numlockx on' | sudo tee -a /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/70-linuxmint.conf" \
"enabling numlockx on in lightdm at boot"
# /tmp in RAM by modifying /etc/fstab
#TODO: add possibily to choose amount of ram
function enableTmpRAM () {
runCmd "echo 'tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,size=2g 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab" \
"enabling /tmp in RAM by modifying /etc/fstab"
if (whiptail --title "/tmp in RAM - Reboot" --yesno "Reboot required, proceed now ?" 10 60) then
sudo reboot
# add screenfetch exec in .bashrc
function addScreenfetchBashrc () {
checkAndInstallDep apt screenfetch screenfetch
runCmd "touch /home/$myHomedir/.bashrc" \
"creating .bashrc file if necessary" \
runCmd "echo 'screenfetch -t' | tee -a /home/$myHomedir/.bashrc" \
"adding screenfetch to .bashrc"
# cli history cmd timestamp enable
function enableHistoryTS () {
typeset ret_code
printf "enabling CLI History TimeStamp "
echo "export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T '" | tee -a /home/$myHomedir/.bashrc &>> $logFile
retCode $ret_code
# install/enable auto install of security updates
function installUnattendedUpgrades () {
installPackage apt unattended-upgrades
# display useful system/hardware informations
function toolInxi () {
checkAndInstallDep apt inxi inxi \
&& inxi -F
# check bandwith and latency of the internet connection
function toolSpeedtestCli () {
checkAndInstallDep pip speedtest-cli speedtest-cli \
&& speedtest-cli
# check for packet loss
function toolPacketLoss () {
ping -q -c 10 google.com
# Optimization of SQLite databases of Firefox and Firefox Nightly
function toolOptimizeFirefox () {
if (whiptail --title "Firefox SQLite DB Optimization" --yesno "Terminate Firefox and proceed ?" 10 60) then
if which firefox >/dev/null; then
printf "Optimizing Firefox"
pkill -9 firefox
for f in ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/*.sqlite; do sqlite3 $f 'VACUUM; REINDEX;'; done
printf "\n"
if which firefox-trunk >/dev/null; then
printf "Optimizing Firefox Nightly"
pkill -9 firefox-trunk
for f in ~/.mozilla/firefox-trunk/*/*.sqlite; do sqlite3 $f 'VACUUM; REINDEX;'; done
printf "\n"
# remove useless packages (depedencies)
function toolAutoremove () {
runCmd "sudo apt-get -y autoremove" \
"removing not necessary dependencies"
# remove old versions of installed kernels
function toolClearOldKernels () {
checkAndInstallDep apt ukuu ukuu \
&& runCmd "sudo ukuu --purge-old-kernels --yes" \
"removing old kernels"
# force soundcards detection
function toolSoundCardsDetection () {
runCmd "sudo alsa force-reload" \
"detecting ALSA sound cards"